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Ayurvedic Concept of Prakriti

Writer's picture: Shilpika DevaiahShilpika Devaiah

🌸Prakriti  means “Nature, She who is the first creation.” It also refers to your innate physical and mental constitution🌸

In my previous post, I have mentioned how the human body is made up of three dosha/body constitution and three gunas. Though we are made up of all three dosha's and qualities, we are born with one or two doshas in predominance. This predominant-inherent-dosha in which we are born with is called the Prakruti and cannot be changed during your lifetime

★It is a natural constitution each one is born with during the union of sperm and ovum. Prakruti is transferred by our parents’ nature, as well as the circumstances of our birth There are Factors that influence the Prakruti: •The mental state of our parents at the time of conception•Genetic factors •ethnicity and •nationality. •The time of day and the season in which we were conceived. ★ Prakriti is of two types: ⫸ Sharirika prakriti(body typology) ⫸ Manasika prakriti(mind typology)

Types of sharirika prakriti : Vata prakriti, Pitta prakriti, Kapha prakrit, Vata-pitta prakriti, Pitta-Kapha prakriti, Kapha-vata prakriti, Tridosha- Vata pitta kapha prakriti.

Types of manasika prakriti: Saatvika. Rajasika. Tamasika

🌸We are born with one constitution in predominance or combination of two constitutions. In my next post, I will talk about the importance of knowing your typology, how it benefits our day to day life🌸 #ayurveda #yoga #health #meditation#wellness #ayurvedic #natural#ayurvedalife #ayurvedalifestyle#organic #india #healthy#healthylifestyle #love #beauty#nature #ayurvedicmedicine #fitness#holistichealth #holistic #herb#ayurshilpi #cleveland #ohio#clevelandayurveda#alternativemedicine #ayurshilpi


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