Can you believe a social gathering devoid of drinks? Absolutely no, nowadays. If you have some happy news to share, you often start with a drink. In Sunny days there is a high demand for consuming beer. Likewise, in winter, it is customary to have a heavy feast with a glass of wine.
Alcohol, generally termed as’’ Madya’’ in Ayurveda, possesses many qualities. It is light, hot, penetrating & spreads rapidly in the body. As mentioned earlier, it increases pitta; to be more precise, anything hot or pungent will influence pitta. Simultaneously, it alleviates Kapha & Vata.
Judiciously used, it is a good friend of your body; conversely, it causes addiction as well as intoxication.
Alcohol & Doshas
Carbonated beers cause Vata aggravation due to the presence of gas or air. If it’s chilled, then, of course, it is again aggravating your Vata dosha due to cold properties.
Liquors that are strong or dense increase pitta, and It gives a burning sensation when consumed. Dense foods are usually taken along with red wine. Red wine is hotter & improves digestion. It enhances pitta because of similar qualities.
White wine is less hot than red wine; it does not influence doshas like other beverages. Fruit beverages are cool, as well as nourishing. It has similar properties to Kapha dosha.
Alcohol for Your Body Type

Individuals who have a predominance of Vata dosha should carefully consume gaseous beverages like carbonated beer. Those who are suffering from dehydration or dryness should limit the use of gaseous beers. Fruit beers or white wine is ideal for vatic individuals. Pitta predominant persons should take care when consuming red wine, particularly. In the case of inflammations of any kind, acidity, etc. wine should be avoided. Chilled beer is a better option here.
White wines are less hot. Liquors also aggravate pitta to a great deal. So the same precaution has to be taken in case of liquor as well.
Individuals with a Kapha constitution can consume wine as well as beer in small quantities. But wise consumption is a must. The quantity of consumption has to be greatly monitored. If wine is consumed excess, it creates more appetite & you end up eating more food. The same applies to beer; it causes fluid loss if consumed without proper care.
Seasonal Selection Of Beverages
In the winter season, fruit wine, such as grape wine, is a metabolic booster for the body. For the heat of the sun, chilled beer or cereal beverages are best advised in the Ayurveda Classics. Interestingly, there are numerous beverages mentioned in the Ayurveda classics. Do you believe this?
Let’s have a close look at the origin of these natural drinks. Cereals, fruits, herbs & sugar are common sources. Wine prepared from sugar cane juice is a wonderful remedy for weight loss, improving digestion, curing hemorrhoids. It enhances skin complexion. It mitigates Kapha disorders, increases pitta dosha & Vata dosha.
Ayurveda literature mentions Sura, which is a cereal-based beer. It is a one-stop remedy for vatic disorders & it is brimhana -nourishing or increases Kapha dosha. Fruits like grapes, dates, black plum were used in the preparation of wines. Wines from grapes cure internal bleeding owing to its sweet taste or rasa. It causes Vata aggravation & mitigates Kapha dosha. The date wine is considered as a nervine tonic as it clears the sense organs & imparts positive energy. Black plum wine detoxifies & energizes the body. Herbal beverage drinks are made by steeping herbs in wine for a required time period. All the active ingredients are infused into a wine & it is widely recommended for medicinal use. It is taken as a digestive tonic.
Alcoholic drinks have to be consumed with respect to the body constitution, digestive capacity, and health condition, along with a balanced diet. If consumed wisely, it excels over any medicine in terms of health preservation.